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Coffee - Craft Brew Beer - Wine and the Best Live Music around....
123 East Main - Eaton, OH 45320

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today is the day of Change

So, the day has arrived! The inaugural day designed for a new President of the most powerful nation in the world.

As I followed the endless newscasts on TV and radio it appeared almost like this world will change forever with the new leadership that is ready to make a firm step into the history of the world.

I believe that all of our expectations are high. And if they are not, then you must be blinded by ignorance. But we do have to ask the question: "How can things change?" For many people our new President seems to be the answer to everything, from pollution to the economic crisis . . . from the war in Iraq to the stem cell research issue . . and so on.

We as individuals of a nation must be aware of our responsibilities toward others and the rest of the world. We can NOT allow for elected officials to take ALL the reign into their "lobbyist guided hands". We, as the people of this great nation, must be aware that we all seek the same: Peace and contentment in living out our dreams without interference of government who may believe they know better.

Government, as a body, should only protect the right(s) of personally designed fulfillments, and not implement them for us. Because once we have to follow someone elses' dream, it may lead us into misery for ourselves.

I am ready to dream . . .

Best of luck Mr. President!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it took us 8 years to open our eyes..and maybe our expectations should not blind us about time..because we did not get to where we are took eight to me its ignorance if you believe it would change over night...and it ignorance to believe one man can change everything...looking at the presidential candiates I believe America made a wise choice...McCain..Palin...we would have set ourselves up for you honestly believe two people with the education they have and someone who actually could not define what a vice president was or the fact her foreighn relations consist of seeing Russia from her backyard ( I was completely offended as a female)..Woman are trying to make strives so we can be seen as equal and McCain picks this woman...please (what a joke) but anyways as I see would have been dumb one and dumb two...let us finally be able to work as a team and not divide ourselves into groups of Republican and Democratics..let us all work together for a change (we are Americans)..a change for the good and not for seperation...something to think about..I can finally say God Bless America and not just for Republicans or Democratics but for America..God Bless All..