Coffee - Craft Brew Beer - Wine and the Best Live Music around....

Coffee - Craft Brew Beer - Wine and the Best Live Music around....
123 East Main - Eaton, OH 45320

Friday, May 9, 2008

Why a Taffy's Coffee House Blog:

Hello everyone:

So... why a Coffee House Blog? I simply thought this would be a great opportunity to communicate with each others in a community that is very diverse.
As many of you know, Taffy's is not only a great place to get a cup of coffee, but it is a place where we have a chance to be who we are without judgment, where we may find answers, or where we can ask questions. . . or simply have a great cup of coffee.

So in this first post I would like to answer the question, which is asked of me the most: "How is it that you bought this place?"

I was a pastor for 9 1/2 years for a local church and I was simply exhausted. As my contractual year came to end, I decided not to renew my contract and I had no idea what to do. What I did know was that I had always enjoyed coffee houses and my all-time favorite (besides TAFFY'S) is "Sitwell's in Cincinnati/Clifton.
As I was meeting one afternoon a friend, who is a local Realtor, he informed me that TAFFY's was available for purchase . . . and so I purchased TAFFY's and the building.

As I have owned Taffy's for now over 4 months, I had a lot of time to think about my faith and my approach to life in general. (Yeah . . . sometimes we are able to change our perception of life and our reality changes.) Maybe I'll have a chance to write about this topic later.

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