Coffee - Craft Brew Beer - Wine and the Best Live Music around....

Coffee - Craft Brew Beer - Wine and the Best Live Music around....
123 East Main - Eaton, OH 45320

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Power of Music

I remember when I was young (about five years old) I often sat beside a huge radio in my home and I listened to the songs and melodies of the time. I was fascinated by the difference of music and I distinctly remember how it influenced emotionally the moment I was listening.

As I grew older I became an avid music fan, without a specific genre. That does not mean that I don't enjoy some genres over others, or that I don't prefer some musicians over others.

So, for the last few weeks I often wondered, what happens to the soul when we hear a beautiful song or melody?

Is there more to music that touches us then we can even imagine? How is it that some music transposes 'light' into our emotions . . . and other music transposes 'darkness'?

Is there a musical pattern (of some sort) that we in are tune' with?

Is there a longing within us that needs to be fed?

. . . let me hear from you and share your experiences & thoughts.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was just thinking about this the other day. My roommate and I have surround sound in our it sounds like a real show sometimes...and the other day I just laid next to a speaker for about an hour just listening to the was so relaxing and I felt so happy & at peace. I don't know why it is..but I'm thankful for the gift of music that we get to enjoy as we please...