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Coffee - Craft Brew Beer - Wine and the Best Live Music around....
123 East Main - Eaton, OH 45320

Monday, June 2, 2008

Life in a Paradox

Did you ever think you really know people or circumstances well enough to judge them? I can tell you from personal experiences that I made many misjudgments.

As we are confronted with certain situations, we instinctively have a tendency to make a judgment. Often enough we analyze the circumstances based upon the facts that are given to us and we then reach a conclusion.

Unfortunately we hardly ever allow ourselves to seek the other side of the story, because we take given facts as the premise or foundation for our OWN larger picture that we have now formed.

Would it not be a great challenge for our life if we could just imagine to at least try to seek the "other side of the story" before we come to conclusion(s)?

Could it be possible to let all the facts given and learned to be true so we would be able not to become bitter and angry but to give, learn, love and at least try to understand?

Is it possible to be true to ourselves; and snap out of the paradox of life?


Marla said...

I can honestly say that I have been quite guilty of judging before knowing. I have to make a truly concerted effort to rise past that in myself. Unlikely opportunities present themself on a daily basis, and we can choose to embrace them and invite them into who we are or we can breeze right past not allowing ourselves to be changed in the process. Truth can present itself in a host of different venues that we do not expect. When we truly take the blinders off of our eyes, we can see the world in a totally different and unconventional perspective.

Thanks for your introspective words.


Anonymous said...

Most people don't even bother to get to know the person before passing judgment. I believe that as a whole, humanity is so shallow and lazy, that humans won't even bother going through the efforts to fashion their own opinion, rather borrowing someone elses is sufficient.

We used to have lots of friends until we realized that we could make our own people. The more people I meet, the more I like my garden.

Does that sound cynical of me? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! I am reminded of the theory that we judge people by their actions and we judge ourselves by our intent.